- lsst.ts.wep.utils.plotPupilMaskElements(maskParams: dict, fieldAngle: tuple, legend: bool = True, minimal: bool = True, ax: Optional[Axes] = None) None ¶
Plot the mask elements as circles.
Outer and inner elements have the same color, with the inner elements dashed. The pupil is highlighted in yellow.
- maskParamsdict
The mask parameter dictionary. This can come from Instrument.maskParams or from the output of fitMaskModel.
- fieldAngletuple
Tuple of x and y field angles in degrees.
- legendbool, optional
Whether to draw the legend. (the default is True)
- minimalbool, optional
Whether to only draw the arcs that determine the pupil edge. (the default is True)
- axplt.Axes, optional
A matplotlib axis to plot on. If None passed, plt.gca() is used. (the default is None)