
lsst.ts.wep.utils.plotPupilMaskElements(maskParams: dict, fieldAngle: tuple, legend: bool = True, minimal: bool = True, ax: Optional[Axes] = None) None

Plot the mask elements as circles.

Outer and inner elements have the same color, with the inner elements dashed. The pupil is highlighted in yellow.



The mask parameter dictionary. This can come from Instrument.maskParams or from the output of fitMaskModel.


Tuple of x and y field angles in degrees.

legendbool, optional

Whether to draw the legend. (the default is True)

minimalbool, optional

Whether to only draw the arcs that determine the pupil edge. (the default is True)

axplt.Axes, optional

A matplotlib axis to plot on. If None passed, plt.gca() is used. (the default is None)