- lsst.ts.wep.utils.plotMapperResiduals(angle: tuple, band: str = 'ref', defocalType: str = 'intra', instConfig: str = 'policy:instruments/LsstCam.yaml', opticalModel: str = 'offAxis') None ¶
Plot the residuals between the ImageMapper and Batoid.
- angletuple
The field angle in degrees
- bandstr, optional
The LSST band label (the default is “ref”)
- defocalTypestr, optional
“intra” or “extra” (the default is “intra”)
- instConfigstr or dict or Instrument, optional
Instrument configuration. If a string, it is assumed this points to a config file, which is used to configure the Instrument. If the path begins with “policy:”, then it is assumed the path is relative to the policy directory. If a dictionary, it is assumed to hold keywords for configuration. If an Instrument object, that object is just used. (the default is “policy:instruments/LsstCam.yaml”)
- opticalModelstr, optional
The optical model to use for mapping between the image and pupil planes. Can be “onAxis”, or “offAxis”. onAxis is an analytic model appropriate for donuts near the optical axis. It is valid for both slow and fast optical systems. The offAxis model is a numerically-fit model that is valid for fast optical systems at wide field angles. offAxis requires an accurate Batoid model. (the default is “offAxis”)