
lsst.ts.wep.utils.forwardModelPair(seed: int = 1234, zkCoeff: Optional[ndarray] = None, zkNorm: float = 1e-06, zkMax: float = 1e-06, jmax: int = 22, fluxIntra: float = 100000000.0, fluxExtra: float = 100000000.0, seeing: Optional[float] = None, skyLevel: Optional[float] = None, bandLabel: str = 'r', fieldAngleIntra: Optional[tuple] = None, fieldAngleExtra: Optional[tuple] = None, miscenterIntra: Optional[tuple] = None, miscenterExtra: Optional[tuple] = None, blendOffsetsIntra: Optional[Union[ndarray, tuple, list]] = None, blendOffsetsExtra: Optional[Union[ndarray, tuple, list]] = None, blendRatiosIntra: Optional[Union[ndarray, tuple, list]] = None, blendRatiosExtra: Optional[Union[ndarray, tuple, list]] = None, instConfig: Union[str, dict, Instrument] = 'policy:instruments/LsstCam.yaml', nPix: int = 180, opticalModel: str = 'offAxis', flat: bool = False) Tuple[ndarray, Image, Image]

Forward model a pair of donuts.


seedint, optional

The random seed. (the default is 1234)

zkCoeffnp.ndarray or None, optional

A set of Zernike coefficients, in meters. If None, a random set of Zernikes are generated using zkNorm, zkMax, jmax.

zkNormfloat, optional

Normalization for random Zernike coefficients, in meters. Note this parameter is ignored if zkCoeff is not None. (the default is 1e-5)

zkMaxfloat, optional

The max absolute value of any Zernike coefficient. Note this parameter is ignored if zkCoeff is not None. (the default is 1e-6)

jmaxint, optional

The maximum Noll index for the random Zernike coefficients. Note this parameter is ignored if zkCoeff is not None. (the default is 22)

fluxIntraint, optional

Flux of the intrafocal donut. (the default is 1e8)

fluxExtraint, optional

Flux of the extrafocal donut. (the default is 1e8)

seeingfloat or None, optional

The FWHM of the Kolmogorov kernel in arcseconds. If None, a random value is chosen between 0.3 and 1.5. (the default is None)

skyLevelfloat or None, optional

Noise level in counts / arcsec^2. If None, a random value is chosen between 100 and 10^9 (log-uniform) (the default is None)

bandLabelstr, optional

The name of the band to simulate donuts in. (the default is “r”)

fieldAngleIntratuple, optional

Field angle, in degrees, of the intrafocal donut. If the angle is only specified for the intra or extrafocal donut, both donuts use that angle. If neither is specified, the same random angle is used for both. (the default is None)

fieldAngleExtratuple, optional

Field angle, in degrees, of the extrafocal donut. If the angle is only specified for the intra or extrafocal donut, both donuts use that angle. If neither is specified, the same random angle is used for both. (the default is None)

miscenterIntratuple, optional

The amount by which the intrafocal donut is miscentered. A tuple of (dx, dy) in pixels. If None, a random value between +/- 2 is used for each. Note the random non-zero offsets are default to avoid pixel aliasing effects when examining ensembles of wavefront estimation errors. (the default is None)

miscenterExtratuple, optional

The amount by which the extrafocal donut is miscentered. A tuple of (dx, dy) in pixels. If None, a random value between +/- 2 is used for each. Note the random non-zero offsets are default to avoid pixel aliasing effects when examining ensembles of wavefront estimation errors. (the default is None)

blendOffsetsIntraIterable or None, optional

The blend offsets of the intrafocal donut. (the default is None)

blendOffsetsExtraIterable or None, optional

The blend offsets of the extrafocal donut. (the default is None)

blendRatiosIntraIterable or None, optional

Flux ratios of the blends to the central star. If None, 1 is assumed for all. (the default is None)

blendRatiosExtraIterable or None, optional

Flux ratios of the blends to the central star. If None, 1 is assumed for all. (the default is None)

instConfigstr, dict, or Instrument, optional

The instrument config for the image mapper. (the default is “policy:instruments/LsstCam.yaml”)

nPixint, optional

The size of the images. (the default is 180)

opticalModelstr, optional

Which optical model to use for the ImageMapper. Can be “offAxis”, “onAxis”, or “paraxial”. (the default is “offAxis”)

flatbool, optional

Whether to remove surface brightness fluctuations from the donut. (the default is False)



Zernike coefficients in meters, for Noll indices 4-jmax (inclusive)


The intrafocal image


The extrafocal image