
lsst.ts.wep.utils.createTemplateForDetector(detector: ~lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Detector, defocalType: ~lsst.ts.wep.utils.enumUtils.DefocalType, bandLabel: ~typing.Union[~lsst.ts.wep.utils.enumUtils.BandLabel, str] = BandLabel.REF, instrument: ~lsst.ts.wep.instrument.Instrument = <lsst.ts.wep.instrument.Instrument object>, opticalModel: str = 'offAxis', padding: int = 5, binary: bool = True, ccs: bool = False, nPixels: int = None) ndarray

Create a donut template for the given detector.


The detector object for which the template is created

defocalTypeDefocalType or str

The DefocalType enum (or corresponding string) specifying whether to create an intra- or extra-focal template.

bandLabelBandLabel or str, optional

The BandLabel enum (or corresponding string) specifying the band for which the template is created. Note it is not expected that this will matter much for template creation. (the default is BandLabel.REF)

instrumentInstrument, optional

The ts.wep Instrument object. (the default is the default Instrument)

opticalModelstr, optional

The optical model for the ImageMapper. (the default is “offAxis”)

paddingint, optional

Padding, in pixels, on each side of the template. (the default is 5)

binarybool, optional

Whether to return a binary template. (the default is True)

ccsbool, optional

Whether to return a template that is in the camera coordinate system (CCS). For templates on the CWFSs, this also includes de-rotation so they are in the same orientation as the science sensors. When False, the data is in the DVCS, and the CWFSs are in original orientation. This matches the data from the butler. (the default is False)

nPixelsint, optional

The number of pixels on a side of the template. Typically this number is calculated dynamically, but if supplied here, this number is used as an override. Note the padding is not applied if this is provided.


The donut template array.