
lsst.ts.wep.task.donutCatalogToDataFrame(donutCatalog=None, filterName=None, blendCentersX=None, blendCentersY=None)

Reformat afwCatalog into a pandas dataframe sorted by flux with the brightest objects at the top.

donutCataloglsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog or None, optional

lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog object returned by the ReferenceObjectLoader search over the detector footprint. If None then it will return an empty dataframe. (the default is None.)

filterNamestr or None, optional

Name of camera filter. If donutCatalog is not None then this cannot be None. (the default is None.)

blendCentersXlist or None, optional

X pixel position of centroids for blended objects. List should be the same length as the donutCatalog. If blendCentersY is not None then this cannot be None. (the default is None.)

blendCentersYlist or None, optional

Y pixel position of centroids for blended objects. List should be the same length as the donutCatalog. If blendCentersX is not None then this cannot be None. (the default is None.)


Complete catalog of reference sources in the pointing.


Raised if filterName is None when donutCatalog is not None.


Raised if blendCentersX and blendCentersY are not the same length.


Raised if blendCentersX and blendCentersY are not both a list or are not both None.